I have a fear of being humiliated.

All Blogs / Family Constellation Therapy

I have a fear of being humiliated.

The client’s main concern was that she keeps attracting a lot of humiliation in her life in all different aspects without there being a strong reason behind it. She would be wrongly accused or misunderstood. Her family did not trust her or value her opinions and perspective. And now, she is not able to live her life fully because of the fear of being humiliated. 

The constellation revealed that the feeling of humiliation belong to the client’s grandmother. It was a shadow of the grandmother which the grandmother had not acknowledged and was rejecting. So, the shadow and its after-effects were being carried by the client’s mother as well as the client out of love and loyalty. This shows that when we exclude a feeling or an emotion or a part of ourselves, it will show up in the future generations as unresolved emotions/energy so that it can be included and acknowledged.

The same session had a lot more to reveal to us.

In this family, there was a trans-generational mother wound also being carried forward. From the great grand-mother to the client, none of the women had received their mother’s energy fully. And this has showed up in the client’s life as a huge lack of care, nurturting and support from most relationships. As well as the inablity to express emotions and instead, covering them up with coping mechanisms like outwardly staying strong and hard. This also led the client to become her mother’s mother, which means she became bigger than her mother and this has also impacted the flow of love in her life. 

The client has been trying to please her mother and prove her worth, all her life, all the while carrying a deep longing for her mother’s love and attention. In the session, even though the client took her time to move towards her mother but finally she could complete her movement – a huge step in her healing journey. 

With appropriate movement and expression, every woman in her lineage could take her rightful place as her mother’s child, as well as her daughter’s mother. The love flowed once again from the mother to the daughter in every generation.

As the client continues her inner work, the hope is to find inner peace as well as her rightful place in her family and with her parents. 

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