“I can feel it[depression] in my body.”

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“I can feel it[depression] in my body.”

The client wanted to address her depression and the related mental health symptoms which she had been feeling for many years. Her mental health had taken a severe toll on all aspects of her life, especially her career. She had been trying for a while to move forward in her career, but her mental health would not allow her the time nor the space to do it.

She approached me to address the depression so that she could live a better life and especially to move forward in her career. We placed a family constellation for the same. The constellation revealed that the client was carrying her grandfather’s energy in her own energy. And this led to her feeling depleted and depressed. The grandfather had died of prostrate cancer, and he suffered a lot through his last days. But he did not want to die. And so his energy stayed on, despite the death of his physical body.

The clients’ parents were stuck in their own stories and were not present to support their daughter. And this led to the client in her vulnerable state, being the one with whom the grandfather’s energy was stuck. In a way, the grandfather was living through her, and had not left the physical realm fully.

Through appropriate movements and expression in the constellation, the client could separate her energy from her grandfather’s energy and strengthened her own boundaries. 

And now, within a month of this constellation, the client has successfully taken a very important next step in her career and is happy about it. With this, the client feels encouraged to do more work around her mental health and her life circumstances, especially focusing on her relationship with her parents. 

Healing oneself is like peeling an onion. We must work slowly and patiently layer by layer till we reach our true and authentic core and from there, we get to rebuild ourselves.

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